School Buildings
Square Miles

I’m Anthony Faulkner and I’m running for the Olivet Board of Education.


With your vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 

I’ll work with the Board and Superintendent  to develop sound strategies and implement a solid plan that will:


Fiscal Responsibility

Ensure that responsible and transparent processes are maintained in dealing with budgetary and fiscal responsibilities of the District

Community-Reflective Policy

Ensure that the voice of the community is reflected in all district policy setting while focusing on preparing the district to meet the challagnes of the modern world

Learning Opportunities

Focus on student-centered learning opportunities and ensuring that innovation in teaching and learning is at the forefront of District priorities

The future continues to shine bright for Olivet Community Schools.  We are very fortunate to have systems and processes in place that provide sustainability and continued growth for our District. I am excited for the opportunity to share my experience, energy and passion to the educational success of our students.  I hope I can count on your vote.

Please make sure to follow my page on Facebook, as I’ll be sharing my ideas and alerting you to upcoming events.

“Let’s empower Olivet student success!”

Anthony Faulkner
2018 Candidate for Olivet Board of Education

Education Matters

Community Voice for the Future of Olivet's Children

Every day our children attend our community schools. It is our responsibility as parents, community members and citizens to ensure they receive the highest quality educational opportunities. 

Responsibilities of a School Board Member

Fiscal Stewardship

Responsible for the oversight and approval of District budgetary process.  Ensuring accuracy and transparency in reporting. 

Policy Setting

Responsible establishment and review of District Polices from which the administration is able to carry out the daily responsibilities of District operations.  

District Goal Setting

Responsible for development and continual review of both annual and long term strategic goals to ensure the continued growth and development of the District. 

Community Voice

Responsible to the voters and must communicate speaking through a united voice of the Board while representing the community they serve. 

District Governance

Responsible for the general District governance including legal, employment and contractual obligations to ensure effective learning and operations. 

Student Outcomes

Responsible for review of student performance and graduation requirements. Acting to ensure rigor and development of innovation in teaching and learning. 

“As a former Olivet teacher, and current Olivet parent, I am running for School Board because I have a genuine passion for learning, children and community service. I believe the School Board is answerable to the taxpayers, and that board policies and planning must reflect the priorities of Olivet Community Families.” – Anthony

Vote 4 a bright future. Vote 4 Faulkner.